A win against V-R-E! B@N drops claims against our clients!

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A win against V-R-E! B@N drops claims against our clients!

The VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is currently sending countless forms to all countries of the European Union that are meant to trick people into signing fee-based contracts. Ms Monika Ziegelmüller is responsible for the actions of the VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We have already reported in detail about Mrs Ziegelmueller and the Your Business at Net GmbH:

Warning: Your Business at Net GmbH

VRE’s approach

The VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sends official looking forms throughout Europe that have VRE written in bold on them. Above this there is also a notice printed in bold that states, “Reply this form by E-Mail or by post in the enclosed business reply envelope”. Underneath this is then the request, “Please check the company details below and confirm the correctness of this data and correct or amend it if necessary, as well as the order to register your company”. In the middle of the form you will then find numerous details about the addressee. Next to this there is a field in which the addressee should insert the addressee’s company information/details. Underneath this is then the alleged advantages that you can attain by registering with VRE. Finally, a continuous text is inserted in which it is stated, in small print, that the signatory instructs VRE to enter the company details into the register at v-r-e.eu at a cost of €711 per year. The old company, B@N Your Business@Net GmbH, can usually still be found there, although the company is now known as Your Business at Net GmbH. It then states that the contract shall be valid for three years and shall be renewed annually thereafter if it is not terminated three months before its expiry. This is therefore a classic contract trap. Subsequently, the following is requested: “lmportant: Please confirm the accuracy of your company’s data with your legal signature”.

If the addressee signs the form, the VRE trap snaps shut.

Invoices from VRE

Immediately after the form is returned, an invoice will be issued by VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The first contractual year is invoiced here. If you do not pay the invoice, you will receive a letter from VRE’s “Legal Department”. A final deadline is set there, after the expiry of which legal action will then be taken against the debtor.

Advertising through VRE?

The VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) claims that an entry in the register v-r-e.eu helps immensely with customer acquisition. We don’t believe that. The website is very badly programmed and not created according to the principles of search engine optimisation. Therefore, we cannot imagine that the register at v-r-e.eu has any advertising value whatsoever.

A win against V-R-E! Invoices will be cancelled and claims dropped!

Our law firm has been representing clients confronted with such claims for many years now. We have won numerous legal actions against such companies in the past and continue to do so to this day. Most recently, DAD Deutscher Adressdienst GmbH wrote to companies throughout Europe as the EBN – European Business Number with a similar approach. Apparently VRE – VAT Identification Number Register related to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is afraid of litigating against our law firm, which is why they have dropped their claims whenever they have tried to trick one of our clients. This allows us to help our clients to quickly and effectively get out of one of these traps, saving them thousands of euros. Did you also receive an invoice from VRE? We will be happy to assist you in defending your claim. Simply send an email to us at office@LL-ip.com

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